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Singing is amazing! It is so good for our physical and mental wellbeing. It brings people together to be a part of something bigger than themselves. With the lock down due to the spread of Covid-19, our lovely Singing In... choirs in Sheffield and Derbyshire cannot meet. So, for all those missing their weekly fix of singing, we set this up instead. And it's open to anyone, anywhere!

Our Singing In... At Home membership scheme on Patreon gives you access to several new songs a month. With each new song you will get:

  • individual part tracks

  • tracks with your part missing (to give you something to sing along with)

  • the full mix track

  • a pdf of either the sheet music or a set of lyrics

Other output includes:

  • videos

  • tutorials on singing and/or musicianship

  • warm up sessions that link in to specific songs or technical challenges


It's basically a downloadable choir to sing along with!

For more information or to sign up head over to our Patreon page 

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