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Kate Shipway

Kate Shipway

Kate Shipway

Kate Shipway - MD

Kate Shipway - MD



Lynne - Bari, Carolyn - Bass, Kate - Lead, Alison Tenor



The first four singers in a flashmob Hallelujah Chorus with Sine Nomine in 2013

Sine Nomine

Sine Nomine

On the steps of Tabley Hall in 2013

Kate is an experienced choral director, workshop leader and vocal coach. Kate loves to enable and encourage people to sing, a vital skill for leading choirs, vocal ensembles, and singing workshops.


Kate is a Vocal Music Leader at Sheffield Music Hubmusical director of The Sheffield Chorale and Romulus Singers and she leads the Singing In... Choirs in Grenoside and Hillsborough. She sings alto in Sine Nomine and is one of the vocalists with the Northern Collective Big Band.

Kate's other passions:

Kate loves baking and then enjoying and sharing the results! All the UK based Singing In... holidays will have homemade cakes and biscuits to enjoy. Kate also loves walking with friends, particularly in the Lake District but anywhere with fresh air and a beautiful view. A pub at the end is an added bonus!

Kate's favourite places:

Two of Kate's favourite places are the Lake District, Cumbria and Las Alpujarras, Granada. No surprise then that the first Singing In... holidays are in these two areas. Both have stunning scenery in abundance that bring about a wonderful sense of peace and calm. 

Other favourite places are Stresa and Florence, Italy; Kyoto, Japan (particularly in spring and autumn); Leipzig, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic. Watch this space for future Singing In... holidays! Do you have a favourite place you would love to visit on a Singing In... holiday? Let us know... Contact us here.

Praise for Kate's work:

'Thank you - an enjoyable, challenging and inspirational workshop!'

Singer from Cantabile

'Kate’s rehearsals are a great balance between serious dedication to task, and improvisation, working with the choir collectively or with individual sections.     I always feel supported and valued.'

Paul Heaton - Baritone in RMVC

'Kate is an inspiring choir master and got the best from the group.'

Colin Stewart - SI...tL Participant

'Very enjoyable working with you - all your skill, energy and sense of fun still shining through.'

Ian Akroyd - MD Cantabile

'The feedback from everyone about your workshop was really excellent, without exception people found it extremely valuable and well delivered.'

Frances Bernstein - MD - Free Range Choir

Kate's favourite artists:

As well as singing and directing, Kate's love of live music extends to going to watch other musicians perform. She has seen some fantastic musicians and some of her favourites include:

Nik Kershaw

James Taylor

Ben Folds

Kate Rusby

Madeleine Peyroux

Diana Krall

Jamie Cullum

Andreas Scholl

Marin Alsop

Yo Yo Ma

The King's Singers

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